Monthly Archives: December 2022


December 22, 2022

The Nebraska Society of Mayflower Descendants congratulates:

Glayda Lorraine (Butcher) Scofield, David City, a descendant of Pilgrim Edward Fuller, on the approval of supplemental applications for Pilgrims Edward Doty, Samuel Fuller, Francis Cooke, Stephen Hopkins, Elizabeth Fisher and Mrs. Edward Fuller.

Patricia Ann (Agler) Abels, North Platte, a descendant of Pilgrims Thomas Rogers and Stephen Hopkins, on the approval of a supplemental application for Pilgrim George Soule.

Daniel Verne Agler, North Platte, a descendant of Pilgrim George Soule, on the approval of a supplemental application for Pilgrim Thomas Rogers.

Laura Marie (Hunt) Frey, Cedar Rapids, a descendant of Pilgrim William Brester, on the approval of supplemental applications for Pilgrims Richard Warren and Francis Cooke.

Welcome Aboard!

December 20, 2022

The Nebraska Society of Mayflower Descendants welcomes:

Jean Maria (Lowery) Bode


A descendant of Pilgrim Myles Standish

The Nebraska Society of Mayflower Descendants celebrates 100 years!

December 2, 2022

The Nebraska Society of Mayflower Descendants celebrates 100 years with a special centennial icon unveiled at the Society’s Annual Meeting last month in Lincoln. The special design will be used throughout 2023. The Nebraska Society was chartered Dec. 16, 1922 and organized May 10, 1923. The icon design was created by Board of Assistants member Jesse Harding.